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11:12 AM
Name of Model: Mario | Created by former LEGOLAND model builder Bill Vollbrecht | Found at: | Details:
UPDATE: Thanks to Dunechaser from The Brothers Brick for clearing up the origins of this model. Every once in a while, I drag my feet about posting a model because it doesn't quite meet my (as of yet unposted) rules for inclusion. I always make an effort to credit a model's builder here, and I try to find photos that have web hosting for the foreseeable future. Today, though, I find myself being forced to link to a less reputable blog that didn't credit a builder - and because they never credited the builder or said where they stole the photos from, I don't know who built this or where there photos are. The model's worth sharing though, and since this has big on the blogs during the past few days, you'll probably want to know about it anyway. If you know anything about where I can find more information about this model or its builder, please let me know.
As I'm sure you can tell, this is a great likeness of Mario from the Super Mario Brothers video games in sculpture form. It features some great curves, with plates and all. It looks to me like it might be a professional job, actually. Part of the reason that this model looks so great and professional is that it was built by a former LEGOLAND Parks Master Builder. | This is Wednesday's model of the day |
TechEBlog is a perfectly reputable blog, but sometimes the "big" blogs don't take the time to try and find the creator of the work that they post. Anyway, this is by Bill Vollbrecht (Brickshelf gallery):
It's not new -- he showed it at NWBrickCon back in 2006, for one -- which is one reason why you haven't seen it on TBB. ;-)
Oh, and it looks "professional" because Bill used to be a Model Builder at LEGOLAND.
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