Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Black Light Mosaic

Name of Model: New TWIST on previous idea
Found at:
Most people don't realize this, but there are a variety of translucent LEGO colors that are essentially neon in tone. If you're not sure how to tell these apart from their less bright counterparts (in some lighting, it can be hard to tell trans-orange and trans-neon-orange apart, same for trans-yellow and trans-neon-green), you can shine them under a black light (essentially a type of light bulb that glows purple and emits UV rays almost exclusively). While this trick has been used for identifying parts before, this is the first time I've seen it seriously used in a model. Varying quantities of 1x1 round plates in trans-neon-orange have been used to make this mosaic. The picture above was taken under a black light, and the brighter tones on there are from places where there are more trans-neon-orange plates glowing. It's a very cool trick - for more details on how it was done, check out the links above.

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