Thursday, July 15, 2010

...And Now, Your Moment of Zen: Minesweeper

Name of Model: LEGO Army Men Minesweeper
Created by:
Found at:
Details: There's a good chance that the addictive game "Minesweeper" is on your computer somewhere. It's alright - most of us will admit to having lost an afternoon to it at one point. This poor guy, though, may actually be playing as though his life depends on it. There's also a second photo:

Congratulations on finding the best use yet for both little green army men and the limited selection of yellow printed number tiles.


Jetro said...

Nice. Now the question is which was first :D

au_riverhorse said...

If the photo taken date is accurate, then he was. I was just getting back from BrickWorld with 6000+ green bricks, then doing mosaics before I thought of minesweeper. I was trying one stud = one square, but that version is very smooth - which sets do those numbered tiles come from?