Sunday, December 5, 2010

Angel Tree

Name of Model: Angel Tree
Created by: MisaQa
Found at: (flickr set for additional ornaments and tree) (flickr set for angels individually) (flickr set for angels as a group) (flickr collection with all three sets)
There have been surprisingly few interesting ideas for building holiday angels to decorate with at this time of year. MisaQa (of advent calendar fame) has built a spectacular set of miniland-scale angels in various poses with various tools. Some of the details here are exceptionally clever - a silver "cupid" arrow made out of an Aquanaut harpoon and a light saber hilt, with feathers from a Wild West native; parts of levers used as blooming flowers; carefully arranged clikits, clikit hearts used in-scale on angels with sand red hair. The angels figures alone are worth featuring, but she also built a full set of ornaments to round out a tree. The ornaments include some tricks we've seen before, but also make excellent use of rare and seemingly difficult to use parts from a number of places - we see Writing System pen sections, DUPLO, Clikits, and Belville parts all used to great effect in ways that make you wonder why you haven't tried them sooner.

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