Sunday, December 9, 2007

Smooth Ice Cream Truck

Name of Model: Bedford Ice Cream Van
Created by: steven1980
Found at:
This impressive ice cream truck has no studs showing on the outside. The inside is also completely detailed. The stickers are a bit of cheating, but it's worth it for the effect here. Other things to catch: the inside floor has long tiles all going one direction to give the impression of a painted wood floor, slopes of blue and yellow are alternated to get the patter on the outside, wall fans were made for the inside with turntable bottoms and grooved 1x2 tiles, curves are used to round every edge (presumably with studs-not-on-top techniques underneath), and a variety of specialized parts have been repurposed to provide detailing on the outer edges of the truck. Finally, one of the pictures shows that the truck has working independent suspension behind each of the wheels.
This is Wednesday's model of the day

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