Sunday, October 30, 2011

128 Pictures from LEGOLAND California at Halloween

Photos by: marcorbito
Found at:
Details: If you liked last week's look at LEGOLAND California at Halloween, I have a real treat for you - another large photo gallery of highlights from LEGOLAND California in October in 2010. There are plenty more exciting scenes here, including many that weren't in the photoset featured last week. There are (of course) more trick or treaters (note the clever use of the large spider's web in the window), as well as a haunted house (seen above), an homage to Michael Jackson's Thriller, and a giant pumpkin sculpture. I had mentioned the funeral procession last week, but the view shown this week gives us an interesting look at hearse, people and musical instruments. I'm thrilled any time we get a good look at useful techniques at the LEGOLAND parks, but it only gets better when we see the extra seasonal goodies added in. Have a Happy Halloween, everybody!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

LEGO-Theme based MOCs

Name of Model: Rise to the Wicked
Created by: Nuju Metru
Found at:
Details: Nuju Metru has taken his building in an interesting direction here in that he built these MOCs as a LEGO theme. Instead of a detailed sculpture or gigantic, expensive creation that would never be marketable, he has created a line of playsets. Each and every model has several play features, mostly rubber band launchers (none of that cheap flick-fire stuff) and collapsing structures. The models - or should I call them sets? - cover a variety of price points. Tying it all together is a fantasy storyline. Pictured is the Siege of the Portal. Be sure to check out the different creative sets on BZPower and FlickR.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Cubans: the New CubeDudes

Name of Model: Cubans!
Created by: Owen S.
Found at:
Details: The CubeDude craze has come and gone - well, not really gone, per se, but calmed down a bit - and we are left with a LEGO community lacking a cubic fad to match our cubic medium. But no more! Owen S. of MOCpages has made a slew of cubic characters with one unsymetrical eye and only the most basic features. Are they totally original? No. Are they even minorly complex? no. But are they cute and addictive? Yes! And, I think, a lot of the appeal is in capturing a character with a few cute, well-chosen details. Be sure to check out Owen S.'s collection and the MOCpages group.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Warscape: Vol 1

Name of Model: WarScape: Vol 1
Created by: Siercon and Coral
Found at:
Warscape/ Details: To the non-Lego hobbyist, this may seem like merely eight individually epic modular builds that combine into an even bigger and better landscape. Although it is that, I found the real treat to be going in and gawking at all of the brilliant microscale NPU ("New" or "Nice" Parts Usage)! Interesting connections and builds abound, made only more impressive by the impossibly tiny scale. Note, for instance, the mermaid and catapults. In some instances parts of elements are hidden to allow the appropiate details to show, like the giesha-fan stairs, which, having tried and failed at before, I find particularly impressive. And, as a Bionicle fan, I have to commend the comprably huge kiina spikes in one of the towers. And those are just a few examples! You really should look through the photostream yourself - it's well worth your while. Via The Brothers Brick.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

LEGOLAND California at Halloween

Name of photoset: LEGO Land California
Photos by: KaylynStar
Found at:
Details: The LEGOLAND parks frequently enhance their displays with seasonal displays and in-jokes, adding an extra reason to come back. Around Halloween in 2010, the California park got in on the fun. Check out the trick-or-treaters seen in this photoset. Just in the one photo shown here, we've got some great dragon costumes, some great ghosts, a wizard, a pair of ballerinas, a knight, and several interesting figures without costumes. Elsewhere in the park, we can spot a coven of witches, a haunted cemetery, a pumpkin patch and hayride, a giant spider attack, and a funeral procession driving up to a zombie-infested graveyard.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

New Contributor

Hey, this is Lego Obsessionist! I will be helping contribute to FLOMD from now on. Dan has made a fantastic blog, in fact, it was one of the first ones I started reading when I discovered the online Lego community, and I learned alot from it. I hope I can continue this awesomeness and give you readers more posts to enjoy and alleviate the recent lack of posts.

I'm a TFOL and and have been Bionicle fan from the start. My creations, which you can see here on MOCpages, are mostly Bionicle-based, although I enjoy system building as well. I realize that many builders think of Bionicle and the recent Hero Factory as being inferior in general to System or even Technic, and I hope I can show you how untrue that is through featuring innovative Bionicle MOCs. Of course, I am not limited to Bionicle, I will try to represent all themes or combinations thereof when a fascinating MOC catches my eye.

I hope you enjoy my posts, and continue to read this great blog!